Michelin-Star Chef Rates Every Fine Dining Scene From ‘The Bear’

There are two things I appreciate: The Bear on FX and Insider’s How Real Is It? on YouTube. On this episode, a Michelin Star chef, Paul Liebrandt, rates different scenes from The Bear and rates it based on how true to life it is.


After watching The Bear, I knew the video had to feature the scene where Thomas Keller shows Carmy how to truss a chicken. Even before watching Chef Paul give his thoughts, I absolutely adore this scene. My wife and I are fans of Thomas Keller and have visited his restaurants (French Laundry is still on our to do list) and have a few of his books. From Ad Hoc at Home, Keller has a recipe for roasted whole chicken and he walks you through how to truss a chicken.

I’ve made this version of roasted chicken many times and it is one of my favorite dishes. I geeked out like a fan boy when I watched this episode and just listening to Chef Keller give Carmy life lessons while showing him how to truss a chicken, it just really solidifies for me, how great this show is.

And for Chef Paul to confirm it in How Real Is It? is just *chef’s kiss*.

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