Meet Marques Brownlee, internet tech reviewer and elite ultimate frisbee player

Brownlee, 30, who will compete for Team USA at this week’s World Ultimate Championships in Gold Coast, Australia, is arguably the biggest, most influential reviewer of technology products in the world. He has 19.4 million YouTube subscribers, 5 million Instagram followers and 2.1 million TikTok followers who depend on his thoughts before they buy the latest computers, headphones, phones, virtual reality headsets and more.

I mean how cool is it to be in the top 1% at both your day job and your hobby?

Your Gen-Z Employee Isn’t Fooled by Your Compliment Sandwich

David Yeager in the Wall Street Journal (Apple News link):

Alex was trapped by what’s known as the mentor’s dilemma: the fact that constructive criticism, which we hope will push young people to do better, can crush their confidence and sap their motivation. Leaders end up feeling like they are stuck between two bad choices: put up with poor performance (but be nice) or demand better (and be cruel). Both mentors and mentees often leave these interactions frustrated or offended.

I have never felt more seen.

Looking back: Night of the Panther

Michael Steeber on his Substack newsletter:

Back in the days when software could be weighed and measured, the release of a new operating system was as big of a deal as any other hardware release. But let’s not forget: updates weren’t free. Mac OS X Panther, released on October 24, 2003 at 8:00 p.m., cost $129.

This was shortly after I left Apple Retail, but looking at the pictures from this era brings me back to that time.